Adult Classes

Sunday School

9:30 AM - 10:30 AM

 Current Sunday School Classes:

  • Adult Bible Searchers/Disciple Makers (Led by Lloyd Underwood)
  • Bereans (Led by Jerry Hyatt)
  • Clase Biblica Hispana (Led by Rick Kull)
  • Senior Adult Men's Class (Led by Ed Smith & Mike Boland)
  • Men's Class (Led by Max Janzen)
  • Women of Faith (Led by Myrtie Peterson)
  • Co-Ed Sunday School Class (Led by Mike Cooper)
  • Women Growing in Truth (Led by Michele Belveal & Kayla Linard)
  • Newlyweds (Led by Scott and Mary LaBotz)
  • Women of the Bible (Led by Aubrey Phiri)

Wednesday Night

Cultivate Groups are neighborhood Bible studies that meet in homes to build relationships.
Talk to our Cultivate Group leaders if you would like to join one or get more information!

Max Janzen - 307-421-8778
Men's Prayer Breakfast - first Saturday of every month, usually in the Chapel. Keep an eye on the Church Calendar for details.
Our women's ministry leadership team is actively initiating new events. Check the Church Calendar or Facebook page to see what's happening.